My favorite dance costume; I’m on the far left, my sister is next to me on the right.
When I was about five, I was enrolled in a tap dance class along with my older sister.
The dance instructor’s assistant had a hobby of making beaded rings – I don’t recall exactly how they were made, but after a bit of Googling I’m pretty sure they were the crocheted beaded rings shown in this illustration on Pinterest. Well one day she was offering to make them for the dance children, and my mother agreed that my sister and I could each have one with colors of our own choosing. After looking over the selection of beads, I chose two: bright orange and bright yellow. My mother gave me a look and said, “Don’t you think that’s a little loud?”
I still smile today when I think about that – first of all, describing two colors as “loud” was so Beverly I can’t even explain it. (Her Peter Max headscarf was also “loud.”) And second, I don’t even think she was trying to discourage me – I just think she was afraid I was going to regret my choice. But I stood my ground (five and stubborn!) and got my ring, and it was beautiful!
And so began my lifelong love of orange and yellow – two loud colors, louder together… the colors of sunshine, the colors of beautiful bell peppers in the produce aisle…
and the colors of today’s bright, cheery (and LOUD) tablescape!
This table started with two elements – the orange and yellow placements from Dollar Tree, and the orange-slice dishes from Pier 1. (Please pardon my cell phone camera – the yellow coffee cup appears a mutant shade but I assure you, in person it is a cheerful yellow!)
The napkins were a clearance item at Gordman’s a few years ago. I tucked a sprig of summery silk marigold into each one.
Crisp white seemed the perfect accent color here – I used it in the napkin rings, soup (or grapefruit) bowls, vase, and sweet little bird salt & pepper shakers.
The coffee cups are Fiesta Ware – here’s a shot that almost depicts the yellow cup and saucer as yellow!
And of course, my Oneida “Chandelier” stainless flatware – really beautiful, decades old, and given to me by my great-aunt.
A bird’s-eye view (if you are a bird perched on the ceiling fan)…
Simple, but fresh and pretty for a summer day!
Have you ever noticed when you are clearing the table that sometimes things look really lovely even when they are just stacked and waiting to be put away? Plus, bonus: my orange and yellow dish towels also from Dollar Tree!
I’m sharing my LOUD table for Tablescape Thursday over at Between Naps on the Porch! Please visit Susan for fabulous link-ups of other beautiful tables, recipes and more!
Here’s a Pin-able image for this sunny tablescape!