Check out my new FREE napkin folding tutorial, “5 Fun, Easy Napkin Folds.” It’s an easy-to-follow PDF file and includes the Christmas Tree napkin fold featured on this table!
I’ve been collecting vintage dinnerware for over 25 years, but Old Country Roses by Royal Albert remains my all-time favorite pattern. It’s the pattern I wish I had added to my wedding registry, but didn’t have the guts because of the price. It’s also the pattern I’ve painstakingly collected via Ebay over the years, adding only pieces I knew I would use (dinner, salad, and bread/dessert plates) and only those with the oldest backstamp. “OCR” came out the year I was born (1962), and it is Royal Albert’s best-selling pattern in company history. I especially love to use it at Christmas time because, while it isn’t overtly a “holiday pattern,” it definitely reflects a Christmas color scheme and to me is just holiday special.

This year I’ve set my Christmas table using OCR dinner and bread plates, with a Fire King salad plate and brushed gold bead-edge chargers. The OCR, of course, I’ve collected over time. The salad plates and chargers are thrift store finds. I mean really, it just says “Christmas” to me!

The flatware is also extra-special in this setting. It is my grandmother’s silverplate from the 1950’s – it’s called “Flair,” by 1847 Rogers Brothers. I love the little flip at the top, and how the slight curve at the bottom frames the plate when set on the correct side. (Perhaps a little nudge to hostesses like myself who need a gentle reminder about which side of the plate to use for which pieces…? Those Rogers Brothers kind of knew what they were doing, me-thinks!)

Glassware is Longchamps and King’s Crown Coin Dot.

The centerpiece is a simple ceramic swan/sleigh, filled with faux pine greenery, clip-on white velvet poinsettias, and a couple of beautiful silk roses that mimic the color and style of the roses in the dinnerware.

A close-up of the napkin fold. (Don’t forget to grab your free PDF guide to “5 Fun, Easy Napkin Folds” – including the Christmas tree!)

A few more views around the table…

The “birds-eye view” of the entire table:

And the put-away shot, my after-the-fact “mood board” showing how pretty everything looks even if just waiting to go back into the cupboards:

And finally, an image to Pin if you’d like to save this post for future ideas:

For more budget-friendly holiday (and year-round) tablescaping ideas, please come join my Facebook group, Thrifty Tablescapers!
I’m sharing this post for Tablescape Thursday over at Between Naps on the Porch! Be sure to click through for much more holiday tablescape inspiration!
This is uniquely Christmas. I love your silver, perhaps because it reminds me of my mom’s 1847 Rodgers in the Lelani pattern. I never thought about how that flip at the tip coordinates with the direction of the plate. How clever of you to notice. The Kings Crown in gold is a new one on me, very nice. Merry Christmas
I just Googled the Lelani – it’s gorgeous and has the same flip at the bottom! The “Flair” was handed down to me by my grandmother – in her home we would have used it alongside her Royal China Currier & Ives dinnerware, which I also have. It’s a treasure for sure! Thank you so much for stopping by!
I love the Christmas tree napkin!!!
Aren’t they fun? I have a tutorial for how to make them a little further down the blog post roster 🙂