This project is so simple it’ll make you smack your forehead and wail, “Why didn’t I think of this sooner?” I was in Dollar Tree the other day, looking at the Christmas decor and discovered that their gift bags are really CUTE this year! I found several that I liked, and I was wondering how I might use them as decor instead of giving them away. And then it dawned on me – wall art!
So I found this set of three designs that seemed suspiciously well-coordinated, and my collection of rustic cabin/cottage-themed Christmas wall art was quickly born!

Now – frames were a challenge. These are gift bags, so they don’t follow standard picture frame sizes. I knew it would take forever to find anything even close to the right size in the thrift stores, and buying new would be ridiculously expensive. So I did the only thing a gal with a handy sweetheart could do – I asked Greg to whip up some super-simple frames out of 1×2 lumber which I then painted, two in white and one in red.

Once the frames were done, I simply stapled the bags to the backs of the frames.

I didn’t even try to hide the holes where the string handles had gone through – I removed the strings, of course, but the holes aren’t even really that noticeable unless you look for them.
Cute gift bags come in a variety of sizes and design styles, and depending on the design you choose you might be able to trim the image down to fit a standard size frame. In which case – hello, Dollar Tree frame aisle!
I’m just so enamored with this project! (Hard to get a picture in my long narrow hallway, but they are adorable!)

Here’s an image to Pin if you’d like to save this idea for future use!

What a great idea! Love a good upcycle. Pinned for after Christmas. 🙂
Thank you! There are ALWAYS fun seasonal gift bags in a whole range of sizes that could be framed! So glad you stopped by!