Have you ever seen that “thing” going around where you adopt a word for the new year and you use it instead of New Year’s resolutions to sort of guide your decision-making or personal growth for the year? I tried it once with resounding success, but only because the word I chose was “imperfect.” It was pretty easy to find success with that one!
I’m going to try it again this year but I’m going to choose a more challenging (for me) word. My word for 2019 is:
Yep together! As in:
- I’m going to do things together more often with the people I love, the people who make me feel good, the people who can help me achieve my goals and whom I can help.
- I’m going to get my act together and find a real job, repair my financial situation before it gets completely out of hand, and start making smarter choices where my health is concerned.
- I’m going to bring others together by hosting more activities in my home, growing my Facebook group and other social media spaces, and generally try to be the catalyst for giving others positive experiences in person and online!
How about you – do you have a word yet for 2019?